Specifying command line parameters for the start of Visum

You can create a shortcut to start Visum in which you specify your settings.

1.  On your desktop, create a shortcut to the file...\Program files\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023\Exe\Visum2023.exe.

2.  Right-click the shortcut.

The context menu opens.

3.  Select the Properties entry.

The Properties of Visum window opens.

4.  Select the Shortcut tab.

5.  In the Target entry field, add a blank at the end and the desired parameter(s).

Notes: A path that contains a blank needs to be put in quotes.

Multiple parameters need to be separated by blanks.



-c <path>

Path is specified for the provision of user-specific registry files * .reg, which at the start of Visum are written to the registry (Changes to settings in the configuration file).

Example: -c "C:\Regfiles\23\users\<user>"

-d <path>

Path for providing default registry settings in *.reg registry files (Changes to settings in the configuration file)

Example: -d "C:\Regfiles\23\default"

-f <Directory and name of message file>

Specifies the message file in which error messages are output (Using protocol files)

-g <Directory and name of graphic parameters file>

Opens the specified graphic parameters file (Printing the network display)

-h <Directory and name of version file>

Opens the specified version file (Opening a version file)

Example: -h „D:\ProjectA\ProjectA.ver“

-h [<path and name of version file 1>] -j [<path and name of version file 2>]

Opens Visum and performs a version comparison of two version files. The comparison shows the differences of network 2 (comparison network) and network 1 (current network) (Showing differences between the current network and a version file)

-l<3-digit language code>

Starts Visum in the desired language, if available.

Example: The parameter -IDEU starts Visum in German.


Currently available languages are: German (DEU), English (ENG), French (FRA), Italian (ITA), Spanish (ESP), Polish (POL), Russian (RUS), and Chinese (CHI).

-importsettings <filename>.xml>

Imports a file containing user settings. Visum will be closed afterwards (Saving, opening and restoring user preferences). Instead of "-", "/" can also be placed in front.

-L <path> of license cache file licenses.data

Starts Visum with the desired license

Example: -L c: "\ tmp \ test" The path must be local to your computer. For different start scenarios you need different paths because the name of the license cache file must not be changed.


You can find the required file licenses.data under:

..\User\ <user> \ AppData\Roaming\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023 . Your personal settings for managing licenses are saved to this file.

1.  Make the desired changes to the license settings in Visum.

2.  Close Visum.

3.  Copy the licenses.data file to the folder of your choice.

4.  Adjust the properties of the desktop shortcut.


Deactivates an add-on

Example: -modoffPUT


Here you have to use the defined codes of the add-ons (Add-ons).

Some add-ons only make sense in combination with others. Thus, it may occur that further add-ons will be deactivated at the same time.

You can enable the add-on again after program start (Enabling or disabling add-ons).


Activates an add-on, if available

Example: -modonPUT


Here you have to use the defined codes of the add-ons (Add-ons).


Suppresses the message when opening a read-only version file

-o <Directory and name of list layout file>

Opens the specified list layout file (Adjusting the list layout)

-p <Directory and name of project directory file>

Opens the specified project directory file (Opening a project directories file)


Registers Visum as COM server. An additional message appears.


Registers Visum as COM server without further query


Corresponds to -reg

-t <Directory and name of log file>

Specifies log file to which the information is recorded (Using protocol files)

-u <Directory and name of procedure parameters file>

Opens specified procedure parameters file (Saving procedure parameters to a file and loading them from a file)


Deletes the registration of the Visum instance as COM server


Enlarges windows in Visum


Executes the current procedure sequence. Warnings are not displayed, errors lead to cancellation of the procedure.


Saves the version file under the same name without a prompt. After that, Visum will be closed again.

-y <Directory and name of layout file>

Opens specified layout file (Opening and saving a global layout)

5.  Confirm with OK.

This reference is saved to Settings on your personal computer. Your parameter settings will be regarded for Visum program start via this reference.